Well it’s all over red rover!
Thanks to my mum & the children’s god mother, (her name is also Kristi...). The baby was sick so trying to get everything ready was near on imposable on my own.
We had a table for mum’s to make their own tea/coffee with chocolate & Pavlova to keep there energy up.
Table for gifts so we could sit down with Sam after the party read cards to find out who everything was from, which took all afternoon as Sam opened a strawberry short cake DVD & rested on the couch once everyone left leaving all the other gifts on the table..........
Bright fabric raped around the patio to decorate & a sign on an easel placed at the gate for guest to know where to go done the day before made things a bit easier.
The little pot's of "gold"given to children as they left were loved!
& what every little tired party goer needs at the end of the night is a relaxing foot spa!